
We're an Ensemble Stars zine centered around
the songs of the franchise!


We're an Ensemble Stars zine that centers around the many songs of the franchise. Applicants will create pieces based on the feelings or themes they derive from their chosen songs.


• This is a free-to-download digital zine!

• Artists and writers are both free to join.

• While the number of applicants that can get in have not been decided, we will be lenient during the selections as this is a free zine!

• The maximum number of songs that an artist can get is TWO.

• There will only be one piece per song. This means that multiple people will not be able to create for the same song.

• NSFW content is NOT allowed!

• Updates will be posted on this account, and questions can be DMed to either this account or to the host (@ikanyaide).

schedule (tentative)

Applications: December 22 -January 30
Sending of emails: January 30 - February 7
1st Check: March 15
2nd Check: April 15
Final Check: April 30
Final Deadline: May 10
Release of Zine: May 15 (Tentative)


• Any ships/pairings are fine as long as it fits the song!
• Please do not enter as a troll, as this will affect the rest of the project.
• Please notify us if you want to drop out so that we can take the appropriate actions!
• If your piece isn't at least halfway done by the time of the final check, you will be dropped.
• Please be nice and respectful to others no matter the result!

thank you for reading!

We hope you consider joining, or are interested in the release!

© Untitled. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash and Linea.

( Made with Carrd )